Potty Training Your Toddler - Potty Training Toddler Pg 2

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Potty Training Your Toddler
Potty Training Toddler Pg 2
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To give you a little hope my son is now 6 years old and is an avid big boy potty user. So, what finally worked for me? Well I do believe it is an ancient secret, passed down by generation, but never written down in baby books. I never even heard about it until a girlfriend of mine told me.  If you want to potty train your child here is what you will need.

1. Several pairs of big boy or big girl underwear.
2. Plastic potty training pants.
3. A potty seat that makes an adult sized potty seat more appropriate for little butts.
4. A step stool.
5. A whole lot of patience.

The first thing that you need to do is put the child in underwear. A pull-up feels just like a diaper even when it is wet. Throw away the diapers and the pull-ups so that you won’t be tempted to use them.

Next you will need to explain to the child that they are now a big boy or a big girl and they need to use the potty like big boys and girls do. Then go about your day. Wash the dishes; let the child play like normal.

At this point one of two things is going to happen. Either the child is going to use the potty, or the child is going to potty in his or her pants. If the child potties in his or her pants I can guarantee you they are NOT going to like it. You should acknowledge that the child has had an accident in their pants, but don’t really make a big deal about it. Don’t be too quick to clean the mess up either. I’m not saying let them sit in it all day, but a few minutes will discourage them from doing it again.

Keep the child in underwear. Don’t give in. Praise the child when he or she uses the potty and be nonchalant when the child has an accident. If you must go out of the house during potty training, then use the plastic pants and not a pull-up. I have told all of my friends about this, all of them have used this method and I’ve never seen it fail. After a week or two you will be glad that you threw out all those diapers!

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